Journal 1, Thursday Apr. 9

Today was an interesting day to say the least. My mom works at Evanston Hospital, specifically NorthShore, and they are one of the leaders in COVID response in the Midwest. For example, they are the first hospital in the Midwest to have a substantial amount of readily available tests for the virus. One thing in particular that I have noticed is how hard the virus has affected people mentally. My mom has been stressed for practically the last 3 weeks of her life. She normally works as a dentist in the dental clinic at the hospital, but because of the sheer number of employees the hospital needs in order to help with treating COVID patients, she instead spends her days taking temperatures for 8 hours a day. She tells me about some of the people she encounters, wether they be screaming at her, demanding that she get them help, or calm people who are concerned for themselves. Crazy times.
